I am a hacker, and I have successfully gained access to your operating system.
I also have full access to your account.
I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that your computer has been infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.
I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.
Why did your antivirus not detect malware?
Answer: The malware I used is driver-based, I update its signatures every 4 hours. Hence your antivirus is unable to detect its presence.
I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and the right half shows the video you were watching at the time.
With one mouse click, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on your social networks.
I can also make public all your e-mail correspondence and chat history on the messengers that you use.
If you don't want this to happen, transfer $950 in Bitcoin equivalent to my Bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, just search "buy bitcoin" on Google).
My Bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 15NCWERN56DQNf4WiPLR2txgiEF2np5Q2g
After confirming your payment, I will delete the video immediately, and that's it. You will never hear from me again.
I will give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay. I will get a notice, when you open this email, and the timer will start.
Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my Bitcoin address.
I never make any mistakes.
If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Best regards!
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
OWASP Web 2.0 Project Update
Some of you likely recall the talk back in 2016 or so of updating the OWASP Foundation website to not appear so much like a...well, a wiki. That talk was carried forward into 2017 and 2018 and, with each year, the proposal got pushed ahead as there were other, deeper projects to tackle. With the arrival of 2019 and a firm project plan under the guidance of Mike McCamon, Executive Director, we are finally moving toward a functioning, modern website that will be a whole lot less...wiki-like. The journey has been circuitous and, while we are not anywhere near complete, we have a set plan in place to bring it to fruition within the calendar year (second quarter of the year, actually).
TLDR: How Can You Help?
There are certainly ways in which you can get involved now. For instance, we are looking for a clean way to get wiki pages into GitHub markdown format for archival. I have done some work here but there are parsing issues with some of the tools. Do you know a good tool or have you done similar work? Also, are you or do you know a good designer, someone familiar with GitHub pages that can provide some useful help and feedback along the way? A Jekyll expert to help code a theme with a handful of templates would be a great addition. In addition, we could use website server admins who could help with assigning redirects to maintain search integrity. Finally, there will be a great many pages to move that we will also eventually need community involvement in.
So, What Have We Done?
Thus far we have researched various ideas for standing up a new site, including modifying the current wiki, spinning up our own web server, contracting a third party to host and build a new site, and also using existing infrastructure with our own content to launch a new face for OWASP. Our discussions led us to a familiar place, one that nearly every developer in the OWASP space is familiar with: GitHub.
In our conversations with GitHub, it became readily apparent that using the platform would be a win for the Foundation as well as GitHub. Nearly everyone who runs a project at OWASP (documentation or otherwise) uses GitHub. Because our target audience is also mostly developers we know that they are also very comfortable with the platform. And while GitHub has a number of high profile companies using their GitHub Pages, the use of the platform as the basis for the entire website of the number one non-profit foundation in the application security sector is a big draw.
We have run with that GitHub Pages idea and have spent internal manpower on a proof of concept. This proof of concept is less about the UX of the site than the functionality, the ability to utilize the authentication systems, and the ability to utilize automation to push out changes quickly.
Where Are We Now?
We are doing the final stages of website architecture. We are also planning what needs to be in the site, how the pieces will integrate with current projects and chapters, and how we might utilize the community to integrate the pieces so that we have a visually and functionally cohesive website that spans across multiple repositories.
What Is Next?
We will soon be looking for a modern website design that is responsive and clean. We will begin using the knowledge gained from our proof of concept to build out the internals of the website and then we will start implementing the highest traffic pages and administrative areas into the new platform. Once we have the big-ticket items moved we will start looking at what is left and moving over those pieces. The eventual goal would be to have a new, modern website for the future of OWASP while keeping the wiki as an archive of really useful information.
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Airpwn: A Wireless Packet Injector
Website: http://airpwn.sourceforge.net
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How To Build A "Burner Device" For DEF CON In One Easy Step
TL;DR: Don't build a burner device. Probably this is not the risk you are looking for.
Every year before DEF CON people starts to give advice to attendees to bring "burner devices" to DEF CON. Some people also start to create long lists on how to build burner devices, especially laptops. But the deeper we look into the topic, the more confusing it gets. Why are we doing this? Why are we recommending this? Are we focusing on the right things?
What is a "burner device" used for?
For starters, the whole "burner device" concept is totally misunderstood, even within the ITSEC community. A "burner device" is used for non-attribution. You know, for example, you are a spy and you don't want the country where you live to know that you are communicating with someone else. I believe this is not the situation for most attendees at DEF CON. More info about the meaning of "burner" https://twitter.com/Viss/status/877400669669306369
Burner phone means it has a throwaway SIM card with a throwaway phone, used for one specific operation only. You don't use the "burner device" to log in to your e-mail account or to VPN to your work or home.
But let's forget this word misuse issue for a moment, and focus on the real problem.
The bad advice
The Internet is full of articles focusing on the wrong things, especially when it comes to "burner devices". Like how to build a burner laptop, without explaining why you need it or how to use it.
The problem with this approach is that people end up "burning" (lame wordplay, sorry) significant resources for building a secure "burner device". But people are not educated about how they should use these devices.
The threats
I believe the followings are some real threats which are higher when you travel:
1. The laptop getting lost or stolen.
2. The laptop getting inspected/copied at the border.
These two risks have nothing to do with DEF CON, this is true for every travel.
Some other risks which are usually mentioned when it comes to "burner devices" and DEF CON:
3. Device getting owned via physical access while in a hotel room.
4. Network traffic Man-in-the-middle attacked. Your password displayed on a Wall of Sheep. Or having fun with Shellshock with DHCP. Information leak of NTLM hashes or similar.
5. Pwning the device via some nasty things like WiFi/TCP/Bluetooth/LTE/3G/GSM stack. These are unicorn attacks.
6. Pwning your device by pwning a service on your device. Like leaving your upload.php file in the root folder you use at CTFs and Nginx is set to autostart. The author of this article cannot comment on this incident whether it happened in real life or is just an imaginary example.
How to mitigate these risks?
Laptop getting stolen/lost/inspected at the border?
1. Bring a cheap, empty device with you. Or set up a fake OS/fake account to log in if you really need your day-to-day laptop. This dummy account should not decrypt the real files in the real account.
Device getting owned while in a hotel room with physical access
1. Don't bring any device with you.
2. If you bring any, make it tamper-resistant. How to do that depends on your enemy, but you can start by using nail glitter and Full Disk Encryption. Tools like Do Not Disturb help. It also helps if your OS supports suspending DMA devices before the user logs in.
3. If you can't make the device tamper-resistant, use a device that has a good defense against physical attackers, like iOS.
4. Probably you are not that important anyway that anyone will spend time and resources on you. If they do, probably you will only make your life miserable with all the hardening, but still, get pwned.
Network traffic Man-in-the-middle attacked
1. Don't bring any device with you.
2. Use services that are protected against MiTM. Like TLS.
3. Update your OS to the latest and greatest versions. Not everyone at DEF CON has a 0dayz worth of 100K USD, and even the ones who have won't waste it on you.
4. Use fail-safe VPN. Unfortunately, not many people talk about this or have proper solutions for the most popular operating systems.
5. For specific attacks like Responder, disable LLMNR, NBT-NS, WPAD, and IPv6 and use a non-work account on the machine. If you don't have the privileges to do so on your machine, you probably should not bring this device with you. Or ask your local IT to disable these services and set up a new account for you.
Pwning the device via some nasty thing like WiFi/TCP/Bluetooth/LTE/3G/GSM stack
1. Don't bring any device with you.
2. If you bring any, do not use this device to log in to work, personal email, social media, etc.
3. Don't worry, these things don't happen very often.
Pwning your device by pwning a service on your device
Just set up a firewall profile where all services are hidden from the outside. You rarely need any service accessible on your device at a hacker conference.
If you are still so afraid to go there, just don't go there. Watch the talks at home. But how is the hotel WiFi at a random place different from a hacker conference? Turns out, it is not much different, so you better spend time and resources on hardening your daily work devices for 365 days, instead of building a "burner device".
You probably need a "burner device" if you are a spy for a foreign government. Or you are the head of a criminal organization. Otherwise, you don't need a burner device. Maybe you need to bring a cheap replacement device.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Hacking Facebook By Using PHP Script | Social Engineering Attack | LAN And WAN (Same Or Different Networks)
This Video is absolutely for Educational Purposes only, please don't do any illegal activity. If you do then I'm not responsible for your illegal activity. The purpose of this video is to show you How hackers can hack your social media by using their own local servers.
Basically these type of attacks known as Social Engineering attacks or Phishing. Attacker just send the duplicate vulnerable HTML page to the victim, when victim enters any type of information to that vulnerable page it'll automatically received by the attacker.
Phishing is a form of fraud in which an attacker masquerades as a reputable entity or person in email or other communication channels. The attacker uses phishing emails to distribute malicious links or attachments that can perform a variety of functions, including the extraction of login credentials or account information from victims.
How phishing works
Phishing attacks typically rely on social networking techniques applied to email or other electronic communication methods, including direct messages sent over social networks, SMS text messages and other instant messaging modes.Phishers may use social engineering and other public sources of information, including social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, to gather background information about the victim's personal and work history, his interests, and his activities.
Hacking by PHP
As PHP is server side scripting language so first of all you have need to install a local server (WAMP, XAMPP or LAMPP) over your system. Because if there is no any server running on your system then you can't even run your PHP script. So if you wanna do a programming with PHP this is the first step to download and install a server from the Internet. You can easily download and install servers by watching my videos. Just visit my YouTube channel and watch there.Hacking Facebook By Using PHP Script | Social Engineering Attack | You can perform this attack over LAN and WAN (Same or Different Networks)
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