I did finally get out of bed, but our food was in need of some re-heating. Since he was ready first, Will nuked his food and then came back to get mine. As son as he pushed the "Start" button we started to hear a horrible sound. Neither one of us had ever heard a sound quite like that, so Will stopped the microwave and then tried it again. The sound was back, followed by a terrible electrical burning smell. Oh No!! Not only did this mean I was going to eat luke-warm breakfast (I earned that one), but the microwave was DEAD.

This might sound silly, but I was kind of attached to this microwave. It was the first appliance I ever bought. I made homemade baby food for three of my kids in this microwave. We even tried to replace it once before, but were so unhappy with the replacement that we ended up leaving it at the old house when we moved and started using this one again. I wasn't convinced that we would be able to find a suitable substitute. In fact, I hid in Grace's room sorting through baby clothes while Will looked up microwaves on Consumer Reports.
Will searched me out a while later to let me know he had found a good possibility. All of a sudden, I realized that I might want a say in this transaction. I asked him to tell me what made this particular model the "winner". Not only did he tell me, he brought me all the printouts from Consumer Reports, Sears, Lowe's and Home Depot. Wow! It only took me a couple minutes t realize that his choice was the ONLY choice for our family. It was perfect. Will was going to order the microwave from Home Depot because that was the only place that showed they had it in stock online. When he called them, they said that they wouldn't have it until Friday. That would be SIX FULL DAYS without a microwave. Yikes! He decided to check Sears. It turned out they had to order it too, but they could get it Wednesday. That sounded better already. Then we found out they would price match + 10%. That meant we could get the microwave two days earlier for $55 less. SOLD!!! This whole experience gave me a chance to see a new side of my husband. He. Is. The. Man!!

We went to pick up the microwave on Wednesday evening, and promptly realized that the installation might be a little more than we bargained for. That part got rescheduled for Thursday.

Will aligned the template, drilled multiple holes, lifted the microwave up to its' spot on the wall multiple time and used just a handful of PG rated cuss words. All in all, I think the installation effort was pretty successful. The most important parts, the fact that it works and hasn't fallen off the wall, have definitely been taken care of. We had a new microwave to use by Friday morning!

I'm a champion small kitchen appliance killer, so I know that burning smell all too well!
Go Will!!!!
God knows I could not live without my microwave and there are only two of us. I cannot imagine what it would be like with your "team"!
Hey Blaine, what did you expect? He is married to the sooper shopper and he is an intellegent guy!! He married you, didn't he!!!!
Love to all
Not quite that special!! ;^)
It did get a nice final resting place at the county dump though.
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