Saturday, July 21, 2007

On the Road Again

A few days ago, we left for one heck of a vacation. We are driving the RV from california to New York, and back again. We saw some of my family in Denver (more on that later), and are now on our way to chicago (I am actually writing this from the middle of nowhere in the Iowa corn fields.). From there, we will go to New York, where we will be checking out Niagara Falls, The Baseball Hall of Fame and New York city. On the way back west, we will stop in Lexington, KY to visit my brother. Our last stop before heading home will be in Williams, AZ, where we will meet up with Grandma carroll and Grandpa John for a quick foray to the Grand canyon. The total mileage for our trip will be right around 6000 miles. At this point, we have driven about 30% of that. I imagine we will all be good and ready to stay out of motorized vehicles for a while when we get home. In the mean time, here's a few pictures from our travels so far.....

A quick PS...To anyone tempted to "visit" our house while we're away, it is equipped with an alarm with live monitoring 24 hours a day. The local police have a VERY fast response time. We found out a few months back when we accidentally set it off. Oops!!


  1. Just today, my husband and I were talking about taking an RV cross-country with the kids next year, and wondering how fun/feasible it would be. Do you own your RV, or rent one? Do kids have to be seatbelted at all times? Where do you stop to sleep - campgrounds?

    Have a fun trip!

  2. Wow. You guys are certainly ambitious to do that with 5 kids! Have a great time!

  3. Youse guys have fun. Don't eat all of the Italian beef while you're there. Take 176 east to Rt14 south into Crystal Lake. Mr A's is on the right about a mile or so down the road. Good beef and good dogs.

  4. Hey~
    We just arrived back in Chicago after a marathon road trip to New Hampshire. I wish we would've known you were passing through the "Windy City"; I would've loved to get Thomas Bedlu and Grace together for a visit!

    Safe trip!

  5. BTW - While you're in Marengo don't drink the water. Take a good look at the people that live there. They are definitely suffering from the, way too close, application of too many agricultural chemicals.

  6. that sounds like a fun time.grace is so adorable! in my future I would like to adopt children as well..but that will be quite a while away. I'm only 22 and haven't found a perfect guy to spend the rest my life with. But I've always wanted to adopt..

  7. Wow... that is a LONG drive! You guys are brave! I hope you guys enjoy your trip and have a wonderful time! I'm sure you will treasure the priceless memories :)

  8. Glad you checked in. Been praying for a good, COOL, trip. Hope that AC works out for you.

    So nice of you to inform visitors of your security system. I just laughed out loud.

  9. Why don't you think about a northern loop on your way home? You know you're always welcome!

  10. Hi Blaine, glad your trip is going so well. Looks like fun. I have been thinking of you while you were away. I was also thinking about you last week on Ryannes 3d birthday and how God used you too bring her into our lives. I wanted to thank you. I did a little thing to her on my Blog if you want to see her. Thanks for your faithfulness in that journey we took. She wouldnt be here had you not stepped out in faith and called me that day. Love you-Christy

  11. That was a scary call, but one of the most important ones I have ever made. Not only did God honor me with the privilege of playing a part in bringing Ryanne into your family, He also prepared me for the call He had coming up for our family. I don't believe I would have been nearly as receptive to adopting Grace if I had not walked the path to Ryanne with you. Neither of our families would be complete without these two beautiful little girls. I am so glad I wasn't willful and weak that June day three years ago, or the October day later that same year. I was afraid, but God spoke clearly. Who am I to question Him?

    So in short, your welcome, and thank you for letting us tag along. The miracles and blessings since that fateful phone call have been abundant.

    I love you too, friend.



All comments are welcome, but if you choose to comment using the "anonymous" button, please be sure to include your name at the end. All TRULY anonymous comments will be deleted. Thanks for your understanding...Blaine (aka 5KidMom)