Saturday, April 01, 2006

Big Day Ahead

Today is the day that we go roam the streets of Addis. We have been very pleased with the interactions we have had with the local people. Most of them either smile and say hello, or stare and continue walking. Sounds like back home to me.

The very fisrt Ethiopian we met was a guy at the airport who sets up the taxi service. I think he may have screwed us on the cost, but after living through the ride, it was well worth it. I found it funny that they stressed that we would be in a Mercedez taxi cab. In fact, it was a Mercedez circa around 1980 and a couple decades behind on standard service check-ups.

Before leaving the airport, the guy who got us the cab talked me into taking his $28 American dollars to the Duty Free store and buying him two bottles of White Horse Scotch. He said, "I really like scotch, but they wont sell it to me."

The next person I met was outside our cab. It was a pathetic looking little girl who just stood there and looked sad. She mumbled something so I bent over to hear her better. "Hungry" was all she said. It broke my heart, but I managed to not give her any or all of my Birr. I wish I could have, but that might really add up by the end of our trip. While driving down the streets I have noticed a large number of beggers. I even saw on guy with two badly crippled legs crawl into traffice trying to flag me down. Another begger said, "Welcome to our country." as we drove by. I said "thank you" and the cabbie kept on driving.

So far, other then going trhough three rooms in three days and not being used to the time change, out trip has been very nice and should get better as we step out of our comfort zone and go shopping today. Tomorrow we may go to the museum where they keep "Lucy" the oldest human skull.

Take care and know that we love you all!!!

1 comment:

The Barr Family said...

OK- I just read the entire first and last part of your blog- I love it- I love all the photos and the details from the trip- especially the stuff in Layla house- since we were not allowed in our care center! I think one of your photos shows a girl my freinds are adopting and will be bringing home this week. I will email you and see if I can connect you two because I know she would loved the photos. Thanks for all of the great posts---I wil have to read the ones I skipped later- its late! ;)