Tuesday, August 29, 2006


A big thanks goes out to Amanda from Mayhem and Magic for letting me know that my videos were crashing her browser. I bet she wasn't the only one that was having this problem. But y'all, they have been up for quite a while, and no one else said anything. This is a customer friendly blog. I aim to please. So, if you ever have trouble viewing something, or my posts are causing something to go awry in your cyber world, please let me know. I'll be happy to see what I can do to fix the issue. I promise I don't bite. Maybe just nibble a little. Actually, that is reserved for cute little kiddie ears, so you're safe. 8^)



darci said...

ok, it's your computer illiterate friend here..I was having such a hard time checking your blog..but since I am as stated not too swift in the computer world, I had no idea that it was not my fault. :) LOL. So now I will check with ease. darc :)

smiliesar said...

I didn't have a problem viewing them on your blog but they took forever to load on the family website. Could just be our Internet which we are switching providers next week, YEAH!

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend, mine would cause three in a row beeps click ok and move forward. Thats the nice thing about my hunny being hom to work. He's gotta have those fast services. Hee Hee! Oh I should stop now. HEE HEE! Bad girl I am.

Kaitlyn said...

I love your blog and I love it when you leave comments on my blog because your picture that comes with your comments is soooooo beautiful! Also, it's really good for my ego. :)