Just to update everyone that been hanging out with me over the past few months, I'll begin with some of the ongoing health issues...
Bob was able to come home at the end of May. The transition was not a smooth one, as his condition is quite severe, and the "Home Healthcare" was anything but helpful. Through many sleepless days and nights, Lisa, their kids, family members, friends and church members have been helping to get him through the toughest times. The doctors and insurance company finally started Hospice care a couple weeks ago. We can only hope that they will provide better care. On a more pleasant note, this is the latest family photo, taken on Bob's birthday, just shortly before he came home. It's good to see them all together and happy!!

My Mom started her Herceptin treatments this past week. It is sort of like chemo, but is a biological agent that is able to tell the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells. That makes it a lot more friendy than chemo for most people. However, when my Mom went in to have her treatment, her body decided an allergic reaction was in order. Fortunately, with IV Benadryl and Decadron, the symptoms were curtailed and the treatment was able to be completed. Apparently, all future treatments will now be preceeded by this potent combination. Hey, at least she'll sleep well for a solid 36 hours every three weeks, right?!
Will and I have been working diligently on our plans for the Summer. Since we have the luxury of a true summer vacation, with him being a teacher and all, we felt like we needed to take full advantage of it. We had so much fun traveling in our RV last summer, that we knew that had to be included. The first stop was to be Port Angeles, WA; home to our wonderful adoption agency, AAI. They host a Family Gathering every couple years, and we thought it would be a great experience. It would also afford us the opportunity to visit some country we had never seen before, Well alas, that was not to be.
At the risk of becoming the most depressing blog ever, I will now update you on the latest family crises; because there have certainly not been enough already this year, right? On Saturday, June 9, Will's Mom had severe chest pains and shortness of breath. After an exciting ambulance ride, she endured all sorts of tests, with rather inconclusive results. Fortunately, the doctors were conservative and kept her overnight for observation. She ended up having another "episode" during the night. Both events were confirmed as heart attacks. After an angiogram, angioplasty and placement of a stent, she finally got to go home the following Wednesday.
Oh, but things did not start looking up there. My Mom called me last Tuesday (smack in the middle of the previously mentioned hospital stay) to tell me that her sister died. I am still in shock as I sit here writing this. My aunt was only 44. She has lived a rough life, but we've maintained casual contact over the past few years, and none of us even imagined that her number was due to come up anytime soon. Well, as often happens with these things, the funeral arrangements conflict with our much anticipated trip to Washington. Instead of cool ocean breezes, summer rain, gorgeous scenery and great company, we will be baking in Las Vegas with my Mom's fragmented, dysfunctional family (my Mom and her Mom haven't spoken in over 5 years). As if the family fracas wasn't enough to keep things spicy, the expected high temperatures over the next week for Vegas range from 102-108 degrees F. Now, THAT is absurd!!!!
In case I have come across as horribly insensitive, please know that I am deeply saddened by the loss of my aunt. All family issues aside, I have many memories of her from my earliest days to very recent times, and the loss makes my heart ache. The truth is, these last few months have been positively overwhelming. We have had one thing, after another, after another, etc. As soon we heard about my aunt, our family talked over dinner, and all agreed (without any hesitation, I might add) that we needed to be in Las Vegas. Over the next few days, we went through the motions to get ready to take our brood (8, including the dog) on the road. Now keep in mind, we will be going from a 3100+ sq ft home, to a 31 ft motorhome. We enjoy our RV, but getting ready to go out for the first trip of the summer is a monumental undertaking. It wasn't until last night, when I was searching for a few things for the trip in my closet, that the loss really hit me. I came across some old photos, that led to a search through more photos, which led to a flood of tears. Will found me there on the floor hours later, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, surrounded by pictures.
I'm better today, but the journey is just beginning. The drive will be much shorter, but the emotions much higher. We are heading into the desert anticipating the worst, but trying to hold out some small hope for the best. I guess that is the difference between the broken, dying tree that my Mom came from, and the strong, blooming branch she (and I) have chosen to become. So on that note, I am going to help my husband pack up for our trip, and look forward to seeing all the fruits and nuts on our part of the tree in Lost Wages.
Big hugs and lots of prayers!
Lots of prayers going up on our behalf =)
Have a safe trip!
Jennifer - LOVE the pictures of Grace she is a DOLL & Congrats to Daniel on his graduation!!!
I'm so sorry about your Aunt. Wow! She was very young. Be safe on your trip. HUGS
Prayers for you and your family.
Blaine, I'm sorry about your aunt and your vacation plans......and Bob...and Will's mom and the heat!
But I am so happy that you have a loving family to be with you during these difficult times, an awesome God to lean on and friends like me to pray for you.
I haven't spoken to my own mother in years due to conflicting parenting styles (I know how to love all my kids and she can only pick and choose). I dread whenever I have to see her in social settings. I hope this isn't too difficult for your mom.
You are all in my prayers. Have a safe trip.
You poor thing. I'm so sorry, it does sound like you have had a really rough time of things. I keep you in my prayers and I hope you have a safe trip and manage to have some good times sprinkled throughout.
Positively overwhelming - I should say so. I'm so sorry for everything you've been going through and for the suffering your loved ones are going through. My goodness. Enough is enough. This is beyond the whole when it rains it pours thing.
Bless you heart! I hope that the rest of your summer is far better than the beginning. Take care of yourself and those beautiful children you have.
Prayers going out all around. You guys have an awful lot on your plate.
I will pray for a smooth trip. We are a family of 9 with a teacher dad, and also have a 31ft RV, so I know the pain of that trip preparation all too well! My husband works at a couple of summer camps for a week at a time here and there, and we pack up the bus and all go with him. It makes for a hectic summer of packing and unpacking, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I hope the rest of the summer brings lots of fun and relaxing for all of you!
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