My name is Elena.
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I live in Russia in city Cheboksary.
If you have become interested in me.
Write to me at once on mine e-mail: siniushinaengelina@yandex.ru
I shall tell to you more about myself also I shall send you my photos.
I wait for yours the letter and a photo.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Hi my friend!
Hi my friend!
My name is Elena.
I looked yours profil and have become interested in you.
I live in Russia in city Cheboksary.
If you have become interested in me.
Write to me at once on mine e-mail: antrop.aschanin@yandex.ru
I shall tell to you more about myself also I shall send you my photos.
I wait for yours the letter and a photo.
Hi my friend!
My name is Elena.
I looked yours profil and have become interested in you.
I live in Russia in city Cheboksary.
If you have become interested in me.
Write to me at once on mine e-mail: kyqololagit@yandex.ru
I shall tell to you more about myself also I shall send you my photos.
I wait for yours the letter and a photo.
Hi my friend!
My name is Elena.
I looked yours profil and have become interested in you.
I live in Russia in city Cheboksary.
If you have become interested in me.
Write to me at once on mine e-mail: lukerja.samykina@yandex.ru
I shall tell to you more about myself also I shall send you my photos.
I wait for yours the letter and a photo.
Hi my friend!
My name is Elena.
I looked yours profil and have become interested in you.
I live in Russia in city Cheboksary.
If you have become interested in me.
Write to me at once on mine e-mail: tiuvina.u@yandex.ru
I shall tell to you more about myself also I shall send you my photos.
I wait for yours the letter and a photo.
Hi my friend!
My name is Elena.
I looked yours profil and have become interested in you.
I live in Russia in city Cheboksary.
If you have become interested in me.
Write to me at once on mine e-mail: gula.iul@yandex.ru
I shall tell to you more about myself also I shall send you my photos.
I wait for yours the letter and a photo.
Hi my friend!
My name is Elena.
I looked yours profil and have become interested in you.
I live in Russia in city Cheboksary.
If you have become interested in me.
Write to me at once on mine e-mail: teona.muray2014@yandex.ru
I shall tell to you more about myself also I shall send you my photos.
I wait for yours the letter and a photo.
Hi my friend!
My name is Elena.
I looked yours profil and have become interested in you.
I live in Russia in city Cheboksary.
If you have become interested in me.
Write to me at once on mine e-mail: ninila.beliak@yandex.ru
I shall tell to you more about myself also I shall send you my photos.
I wait for yours the letter and a photo.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
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Saturday, December 27, 2014
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Wednesday, December 24, 2014
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Hi there sweet!
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My name is Olga. I am from Russia.
Have you ever heard that the loveliest girls in the world live in my country? Don't even doubt!
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Good day to you my friend.
Hi there sweet!
Would you mind to finding a young and nice girl of 24?
My name is Olga. I am from Russia.
Have you ever heard that the loveliest girls in the world live in my country? Don't even doubt!
I want to invite you to a very nice international family life agency where hundreds of single people are looking for their future lovers.
I long for finding a special person for serious relations or even family life.
Aren't you the one I am searching for? Please email me
Good day to you my friend.
Hi there sweet!
Would you mind to finding a young and nice girl of 24?
My name is Olga. I am from Russia.
Have you ever heard that the loveliest girls in the world live in my country? Don't even doubt!
I want to invite you to a very nice international family life agency where hundreds of single people are looking for their future lovers.
I long for finding a special person for serious relations or even family life.
Aren't you the one I am searching for? Please email me
Good day to you my friend.
Hi there sweet!
Would you mind to finding a young and nice girl of 24?
My name is Olga. I am from Russia.
Have you ever heard that the loveliest girls in the world live in my country? Don't even doubt!
I want to invite you to a very nice international family life agency where hundreds of single people are looking for their future lovers.
I long for finding a special person for serious relations or even family life.
Aren't you the one I am searching for? Please email me
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
You have a message from Yulia
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You have a message from Yulia
Hi, I've been trying to get in touch with you. Check me out including my new photos at this link
You have a message from Yulia
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You have a message from Yulia
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Saturday, December 20, 2014
You're saying that you come to Russia - I've been expecting you like a fool, but you do not come! "
Hi - I write anything else - but it is not beautiful it turns out, met - do you take me with love, we both felt good - and then you left and never came back, I again want to see you, Christine.
Wide choice of fine Russian girls for any taste are available here.
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Forgot about his mistress?
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I'm sick of not experienced girls? Fun?
Hello - I like you did not say - do you remember when we made love three? Who you like more? "I am a Russian girl with blonde or America?" Waiting for an answer - if you like - continue.
Jelang Pertandingan Roma Vs Milan 21 Desember 2014
Jelang Pertandingan Roma Vs Milan 21 Desember 2014, Prediksi AS Roma Vs AC Milan, Bigmatch akan terjadi ketika AS Roma menjamu AC Milan dalam lanjutan pekan ke 16 Liga Italia di Stadion Olimpico Roma. Roma yang berada di posisi 2 klasemen sementara sedikit lebih diunggulkan daripada Milan yang masih berada di posisi 7 klasemen sementara.
Jika dilihat dari enam pertemuan terakhir kedua tim terliht cukup berimbang dengan kedua tim sama – sama meraih dua kemenangan dan dua hasil imbang. Musim lalu sendiri Roma berhasil menahan imbang Milan 2-2 di Sn Siro dan kemudian mengalahkan Milan 2-0 di Olimpico.
Secara performa kedua tim juga sama – sama mencetak tiga kemenangan, du hasil imbang dn saatu keklahan dalam enam lga terkhir merek di semua kompetisi. Pekan lalu Roma menang 1-0 di kandng Genoa sedang Milan menumbangkan Napoli 2-0 di kandang sendiri.
Dilaga ini peltih Roma Rudy Garcia tak bisa memainkan Federico Balzaretti, Leandro Castan dan Lukasz Skorupski yang mengalami cedera sementara Davide Astori, Jose Holebas dan Miralem Pjanic juga harus absen krena suspensi.
Disisi lain Pipo Inzaghi masih mengalami maslah di lini belakang menyusul belum pulihnya Alex, Ignazio Abate serta Adil Rami. Kemungkinan Pippo akan mengandalkan duet Zapata dan Mexes untuk menjag lini belakang mereka dari gempuran para pemain Roma.
Performa baik Milan ketika melawan Napoli tak serta merta menjamin mereka akn mengulanginya lagi kala bertandang ke markas Roma. Lubang besar dilini belakang Milan, tentu akan menjadi sasaran empuk bagi penyerang – penyerang Roma. Satu – satunya cara bagi Milan untuk menahan Roma adalah dengan memainkan tiga gelndang berkarakter defensif sekaligus.
Prediksi Susunan Pemain AS Roma vs AC Milan
Roma : Sanctis – Cole, Manolas, Mbiwa, Maicon – Nainggolan, Rossi, Keita – Ljajic, Totti, Gervinho
Milan : Lopez – Armero, Mexes, Zapata, Bonera – Muntari, Jong, Poli – Bonaventura, Menez, Honda
Prediksi Skor AS Roma vs AC Milan : 2-1
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Liga Inggris Sunderland vs Manchester City,
Liga Inggris Sunderland vs Manchester City, Prediksi Sunderland vs Man City 4 Des 2014, The Black Cats berhasil memberikan nasib buruk terhadap pemuncak klasemen sementara, The Blues Chelsea. Sunderland berhasil menahan imbang Chelsea dengan skor 0-0. Ini merupakan kejadian untuk kedua kalinya buat tim sekelas The Blues Chelsea. Musim lalu, The Black Cats juga yang telah menghancurkan harapan The Blues Chelsea dalam merebut gelar setelah mengamankan kemenangan atas mereka.
Manchester City : The Citizen, Manchester City berhasil kembali ke jalur kemenangan. Tim berhasil meraih kemenangan telak atas Southampton dengan skor 0-3. Manchester City yang sempat mendapat kartu merah di menit 74′, pelatih Manuel Pellegrini berhasil mengubah tim secara drastis, sehingga tim berhasil kembali menambah 2 gol di menit 80′ lewat pemain pengganti Frank Lampart serta Gael Clichy di menit 88′.
Berkat kemenangan tersebut, tim berhasil menggeser posisi dari Southampton dan tim kini bertengger di peringkat 2 klasemen sementara, dengan torehan 8 kali kemenangan, 3 kali hasil imbang dan menelan 2 kali kekalahan dengan mengoleksi 27 poin.
Pada klasemen sementara hingga pekan ke-13, Sunderland berada pada peringkat 13 dengan total perolehan 14 poin, sedangkan Manchester berhasil naik ke posisi 2 klasemen dengan torehan 27 poin menggeser Southampton ke posisi 3 klasemen sementara Liga Inggris.
Head to head Sunderland vs Manchester City :
17/04/2014 : Manchester City 2 – 2 Sunderland (EPL)
02/03/2014 : Manchester City 3 – 1 Sunderland (EPL)
10/11/2013 : Sunderland 1 – 0 Manchester City (EPL)
27/07/2013 : Sunderland 0 – 1 Manchester City (EPL)
26/12/2012 : Sunderland 1 – 0 Manchester City (EPL)
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Sunderland :
30/11/2014 : Sunderland 0 – 0 Chelsea (EPL)
22/11/2014 : Leicester City 0 – 0 Sunderland (EPL)
09/11/2014 : Sunderland 1 – 1 Everton (EPL)
04/11/2014 : Crystal Palace 1 – 3 Sunderland (EPL)
25/10/2014 : Sunderland 0 – 2 Arsenal (EPL)
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Manchester City :
30/11/2014 : Southampton 0 – 3 Manchester City (EPL)
26/11/2014 : Manchester City 3 – 2 Bayern Munchen (LCU)
22/11/2014 : Manchester City 2 – 1 Swansea City (EPL)
09/11/2014 : Queens Park Rangers 2 – 2 Manchester City (EPL)
06/11/2014 : Manchester City 1 – 2 CSK Moscow (LCU)
Prediksi susunan pemain Sunderland Vs Manchester City :
Pelatih : Gustavo Augusto Poyet Dominguez.
Sunderland : Costel Pantilimon, Anthony Reveilere, Santiago Vergini, Wes Brown, John Oshea, Lee Cattermole, Sebastian Larsson, Jack Rodwell, Adam Johnson, Steven Fletcher, Connor Wickham.
Pelatih : Manuel Luis Pellegrini.
Manchester City : Joe Hart, Gael Clichy, Pablo Zabaleta, Vincent Kompany, Martin Demichelis, Jesus Navas, Fernando, Yaya Toure, Stevan Jovetic, Samir Nasri, Sergio Aguero.
Baca Juga : Prediksi Chelsea vs Tottenham
Friday, November 21, 2014
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Saturday, November 15, 2014
Kualifikasi Euro Belanda vs Latvia 17 November 2014
Kualifikasi Euro Belanda vs Latvia 17 November 2014 - Pada lanjutan pertandingan babak kualifikasi grup Euro 2016, yang akan mempertemukan kesebelasan Belanda Vs Latvia yang berlangsung di Amsterdam Arena nanti diyakini bakal berjalan seru dan menarik. Sebelumnya kedua tim ini sudah pernah bertemu 1 kali pada tahun 2004 dan dari pertemuan tersebut, tuan rumah Belanda berhasil meraih kemenangan dengan menyakinkan, yakni 3-0 atas Latvia.
Belanda vs Latvia - Tuan rumah Belanda yang sedang dilanda krisi kemenangan di beberapa pertandingan terakhirnya di laga persahabatan, tentunya merupakan tugas berat buat pelatih baru Guus Hiddink untuk kembali membangkitkan kepercayaan diri para anak asuhnya yang akan melakoni babak kualifikasi grup Euro 2016.
Terbukti dengan 4 kali kekalahan secara beruntun di bawah asuhan Guus Hiddink, Belanda harus segera bangkit dari keterpurukan tersebut. Belanda kini bertengger di peringkat 3 klasemen sementara, dengan torehan 1 kali kemenangan saat bertemu dengan Kazakhstan dan harus menelan 2 kali kekalahan atas Islandia dan Republik Ceko di matchday pertama dan matchday ketiga.
Prediksi Belanda vs Latvia - Latvia yang dibawah asuhan pelatih Marian Pahars, tentunya akan memanfaakan kesempatan tersebut setelah mendengar penampilan buruk dari tuan rumah di beberapa pertandingan terakrhinya yang gagal meraih kemenangan. Walaupun Belanda yang kini mengalami krisis kemenangan, pelatih Marian tetap menginstruksikan kepada anak asuhnya untuk tetap berkonstrasi dan percaya diri ketika melakoni laga tandang ke markas besar Belanda.
Latvia yang kini bertengger di peringkat 4 klasemen sementara, Latvia hanya mampu meraih 2 kali hasil imbang atas Kazakhstan serta Turki dan harus menelan 1 kali kekalahan atas Islandia di matchday keduanya yang berakhir dengan skor 0-3.
Monday, November 10, 2014
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Monday, November 03, 2014
Prediksi Crystal Palace vs Sunderland 4 November 2014
Prediksi Crystal Palace vs Sunderland 4 November 2014,Prediksi Skor Crystal Palace vs Sunderland 4 November 2014,Bursa Taruhan Crystal Palace vs Sunderland 4 November 2014,Pasaran Taruhan Bola Crystal Palace vs Sunderland 4 November 2014
Di pertandingan kali ini Crystal Palace akan melakukan persiapan yang terbaik untuk melawan Sunderland dipertandingan nanti. Pertemuan terakhir untuk kedua tim ini harus berakhir dengan hasil imbang dengan skor 0–0 pada 15 Maret 2014.
Pertandingan terakhir Crystal Palace hanya berhasil meraih hasil imbang 2-2 setelah di tahan oleh tuan rumah West Bromwich dalam lanjutan pertandingan English Premier League.rystal Palace saat ini berada di peringkat ke 16 klasmen sementara dengan perolehan nilai 9 point. Jika dilihat 6 pertandingan terakhir dari Crystal Palace, dimana Crystal Palace berhasil meraih dua kali kemenangan, 2 kali bermain dengan hasil imbang dan 2 kali mengalami kekalahan.
Pertandingan terakhir dari Sunderland ini tergolong sangat tidak bagus karena Sunderland harus menelan kekalahan ketika bertanding dengan melawan tamu nya Arsenal dengan skor telak 0–2 pada 25 Oktober 2014.Sunderland saat ini berada di peringkat ke 18 klasmen sementara dengan perolehan nilai 8 point.
Untuk mengetahui lebih jelas mengenai kekuatan kedua tim, Ada baiknya anda simak catatan pertandingan kedua tim yang telah Agen Judi Online rangkum dalam bentuk statistik berikut ini:
Head To Head Crystal Palace vs Sunderland :
15/03/14 Sunderland 0-0 Crystal Palace ( BPL )
01/09/13 Crystal Palace 3-1 Sunderland ( BPL )
31/01/07 Sunderland 0-0 Crystal Palace ( ENG LCH )
23/12/06 Crystal Palace 1-0 Sunderland ( ENG LCH )
08/01/05 Sunderland 2-1 Crystal Palace ( ENG FAC )
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Crystal Palace :
1. 25/10/14 West Bromwich(WBA) 2-2 Crystal Palace ( BPL )
2. 18/10/14 Crystal Palace 1-2 Chelsea FC ( BPL )
3. 04/10/14 Hull City 2-0 Crystal Palace ( BPL )
4. 27/09/14 Crystal Palace 2-0 Leicester City ( BPL )
5. 25/09/14 Crystal Palace 2-2 Newcastle ( ENG LC )
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Sunderland :
1. 25/10/14 Sunderland 0-2 Arsenal ( BPL )
2. 18/10/14 Southampton 8-0 Sunderland ( BPL )
3. 04/10/14 Sunderland 3-1 Stoke City ( BPL )
4. 27/09/14 Sunderland 0-0 Swansea City ( BPL )
5. 24/09/14 Sunderland 1-2 Stoke City ( ENG LC )
Starting Line Up Crystal Palace Vs Sunderland
Crystal Palace ( 4-4-1-1 ) : Speroni ( Kiper ), Mariappa ( Bek ), Dann ( Bek ), Delaney ( Bek ), Ward ( Bek ), Puncheon ( Gelandang ), McArthur ( Gelandang ), Jedinak ( Gelandang ), Zaha ( Gelandang ), Campbell ( Penyerang ), Gayle D ( Penyerang ).
Sunderland ( 4-3-3 ) : Mannone ( Kiper ), Vergini ( Bek ), O'Shea ( Bek ), Brown ( Bek ), van Aanholt ( Bek ), Larsson ( Gelandang ), Cattermole ( Gelandang ), Rodwell ( Gelandang ), Johnson A ( Penyerang ), Fletcher ( Penyerang ), Wickham ( Penyerang ).
Prediksi Skor Crystal Palace vs Sunderland adalah 4 - 0
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Time to make the trade that matters

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Time to make the trade that matters

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ESAC is also involved in ESA missions conducted in collaboration with other space agencies. Shinohara started the inning well by striking out Hirosawa, but Arias then walked, and Hiyama singled, sending Arias to 3rd. In the late 19th century, pioneers arrived in the area searching for work in logging and agriculture. TOR 1989 Toronto Blue Jays team page at www. Price went into business as a contractor.
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Peter de Selding, Space News, 1 September 2006. NASCAR career, despite lucrative offers from top car owners. It will actually be our longest US tour to date.
Niculescu's goal for Dinamo being insufficient to change the outcome of the game. However, apart from being scrapped, many of these vehicles have been sold on to other operators and preservationists. Monday, October 25 through Thursday, October 28.
Time to make the trade that matters

Ground photos by NASA confirmed the presence of water hyacinth in Kisumu Bay. Andrew Palmer, includes many of Alwyn's autobiographical writings, and other writings on music published by Toccata Press, 2009. The film was neither a commercial nor a critical success.
Ovim ne obaram vrednosti Kotoru i ostaloj Boki, ali, badava. Better to reference Nazranis or some other article and leave history to that article. He also claimed that President Kibaki was complicit in the affair. Chief, to get rid of all of the bombs. The 1959 revision saw a new system of evaluation.
Thus, if a player fell out of any part of the arena, they would continue in that direction until stopped by safety fields. Beirut within 45 minutes of landing. He is now married to Ann Sega and they have two sons.
It derives from occupation, location, and topography. Enable the skilled worker to make or perform the invention. Mark Webber completed Red Bull's perfect race by finishing second. Ronny Melkus competing in the V8 GS in 2003.
June 1562, and inherited according to Spanish nobiliary law. Other rabbits of various ages and appearances are shown, some with surprisingly high numbers. On February 6, 2009, Canada was released by the Blue Bombers.
Policing and Crime Bill in 2009. Despite the difference in designation, the . In addition to UTSA, three other schools will begin transitions to the FBS.
Time to make the trade that matters

A typical example is the parallel DO loop, where different processors work on separate parts of the arrays involved in the loop. Charleswood and Headingly was cancelled, and that area fell under the Inner City patrol area. However, it is known that female cannabis plants produce THC in the absence of males.
Wijk bij duurstede kasteel1. Bradford City Hall by John Illingworth. Bivens was not the only member of We Five who abandoned a performing career prematurely. The diaries feature background information about their themes. In total, 1,661 candidates contested the election.
Jacques Callot Massacre des Innocents. Japan a swordsmith is only allowed to manufacture two swords a month by law, for example. The church was restored until 1963.
He beat prisoners at random, claiming it was in retaliation for discrimination he had received in Canada. As a result they were of a somewhat extemporized nature. She knows what to bring out of people. The Ukrainian economy recovered in the first quarter of 2010.
Callum is angry at his mother for ruining his chances with Shannon. Loons belong to a more modern radiation. Melkor's destruction of the two Lamps marked the end of the Years of the Lamps.
In 1949, the west part was conjoined with Prague 2 and the east part remain separate district Prague 12. Like the Roewe 550, most of the development and styling of the MG6 was done at the MG Motor UK Technical Centre. Much was made of Jobs's aggressive and demanding personality.
This is the one trade of a lifetime
This is the one trade of a lifetime
This is the one trade of a lifetime
Monday, October 27, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Jelang El Clasico Real Madrid vs Barcelona 25 Oktober 2014
The Spanish titans, Barcelona and Real Madrid face off in yet another El Clasico. In the games that have gone by in a little over a century between the two teams, there have been many central themes that have dominated the contest. The battle for royalty, language, regional pride, revenge, quest for the La Liga crown or plain old bragging rights.
In recent years though, from staking a claim from being the biggest footballing superpower, it has turned into showcasing the world who the better superstar is - Cristiano Ronaldo representing Los Blancos and Catalan bred Lionel Messi are the men in the spotlight. The contrast of the styles and their jaw-dropping consistent levels, unseen in competitive football has seen interest levels multiply in recent times.This fixture at Real's Santiago Bernabeau, however, is about the supporting cast. Prediksi Madrid vs Barca Not that either team had a dearth of superstars in the years gone by. With players from both sides in the peak of their careers, the quality of football on display is also expected to live up to the lofty precedent set by the teams.
Both teams know that from being a cut above the rest and sharing the spoils — trophies, best players, TV and satellite rights and profits being some of them, the power has shifted to a new force in town. Real's cross-town rivals Atletico Madrid audaciously took on the might of the big two and emerged Spanish champions last season. The immediate priority is to wrestle the title back and the timing of the contest culminates into a mouth-watering turn of events.
Barcelona - The Uruguayan maverick, Luis Suarez's return to football and his probable debut is on the forefront of it all. After serving a four month ban for biting Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini in the FIFA World Cup 2014, Suarez is back. Making your club debut in a contest this big can either make or derail a player's career, no matter how big a name he is. As for the Suarez, he is no stranger to hostility and pressure and has handled pressure with aplomb, whenever he has had to endure a setback.
A front three of Suarez, Messi and Neymar is a combination that is usually restricted to video games. It's a scary proposition for any defence as we wait with bated breath if Luis Enrique decides unleash the trio up front. After a solid, if not spectacular first season at the club, Neymar too has come into his own this season and his combination with Messi has been a sight to behold. Messi's usual goal glut has weathered down a slightly this season but his form certainly hasn't. Without conceding a single goal, the Blaugurana have chugged along like a gravy train and are sitting pretty at the top.
Sergio Busquets played no part in Barca's recent champions league tie against Ajax and his availability is still in doubt. Enrique and the team though, are optimistic about the midfielder starting the game. The rest of the team is fit and firing and with 250 La Liga goals under his belt, Messi is just one goal behind all-time leader, Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra.
Real Madrid - Ronaldo's astounding feats in recent times have been well documented and could well be the first player to break the Barca's impeccable defensive record this season. Plundering one hat-trick after another and marching with vigour to break goalscoring records in sight, the Portuguese maestro is on a roll. Fresh from a thumping 3-0 victory against Liverpool at Anfield, the European Champions' momentum is on the ascendency, after a rather slow start to the season, which saw them falling behind Barca in the early exchanges of the league table.
Gareth Bale scored an emphatic winner in the Copa Del Rey final last season, in what will definitely go down as one of the finest goals in El Clasico's history. The Welshman's presence will be sorely missed by Madrid but the likes of Karim Benzema and new big name signing, James Rodriguez are in good form too and will prove to be quite a handful. Even last season, Carlo Ancelotti showed little restraint in fielding an ultra-attacking side and with a potential seven point deficit against their bitter rivals hanging over them, the Italian coach is expected to follow suit field a side without a recognised holding midfielder.
Teams (From)
Real Madrid : Iker Casillas; Dani Carvajal, Sergio Ramos, Pepe, Marcelo; Isco, Toni Kroos, Luca Modric, James Rodriguez; Cristiano Ronaldo, Karim Benzema.
Barcelona : Claudio Bravo; Dani Alves, Jeremy Mathieu, Gerard Pique, Jordi Alba; Javier Mascherano, Xavi, Iniesta; Neymar, Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Liga Champion Liverpool vs Real Madrid 23 Oktober 2014
Liga Champion Liverpool vs Real Madrid 23 Oktober 2014 - Prediksi Liverpool vs Real Madrid - Pada lanjutan pertandingan Babak Kualifikasi Grup B Liga Champions, yang akan mempertemukan kesebelasan Liverpool Vs Real Madrid yang berlangsung di Stadium Anfield nanti diyakini bakal berjalan seru dan alot.Sebelumnya kedua tim ini sudah pernah bertemu sebanyak 3 kali dan dari 3 pertemuan tersebut, tuan rumah Liverpool berhasil meraih 2 kali kemenangan dan hanya menelan 1 kali kekalahan atas Real Madrid.Setelah berhasil meraih kemenangan di matchday pertamanya atas Ludogorets, Liverpool harus rela menelan kekalahan tipis 1-0 atas Basel di matchday keduanya di Liga Champions.Salah satu wakil Liga Inggris ini mengalami kesulitan saat bertemu dengan wakil dari Swiss Basel di matchday keduanya.
Liverpool berhasil menahan imbang Basel di babak pertama, namun pertandingan masuk ke babak kedua, Basel berhasil meraih kemenangan tipis atas Liverpool di menit 52′.Kekalahan tersebut dianggap sebagai kekalahan kedua secara beruntun dari Liverpool di 6 pertandingan terakhirnya dari semua kompetisi.
Klub raksasa Spanyol, Real Madrid berhasil menyapu bersih 2 kemenangan secara beruntun di ajang kualifikasi Grup Liga Champions musim ini.Di pertandingan terakhirnya saat bertemu dengan Ludogorets, duo pemain andalan yakni Cristiano Ronaldo dan Karim Benzema berhasil membawa tim meraih kemenangan ketika di awal menit pertandingan harus kebobolan terlebih dahulu.
Namun di laga matchday ketiga nanti, Real Madrid diperkirakan tidak akan diperkuat sejumlah pemain pilarnya yakni Gareth Bale dan Karim Benzema yang akan absen pada laga kontra dengan wakil Liga Inggris, Liverpool.Pelatih Carlo Ancelotti mengungkapkan bahwa dengan absenya beberapa pemain pilarnya tersebut, tidak akan mempengaruhi permainan dari Real Madrid nanti.
Pada Agen Bola kali ini, kami akan coba memperkirakan susunan Line Up dari kedua tim, Klasemen sementara, Hasil head to head, Lima pertandingan terakhir keduanya, hingga Prediksi Skor Liverpool Vs Real Madrid, berikut dibawah ini.
Prediksi susunan pemain Liverpool Vs Real Madrid :
Liverpool : Simon Mignolet, Martin Skrtel, Dejan Lovren, Javier Manquilo, Glen Johnson, Steven Gerrard, Philippe Coutinho, Jordan Henderson, Adam Lallana, Raheem Sterling, Mario Balotelli.
Real Madrid : Iker Casillas, Sergio Ramos, Marcelo, Alvaro Albeloa, Daniel Carvajal, Toni Kroos, Luka Modric, Asier Illarramendi, James David Rodriguez, Cristiano Ronaldo, Javier Hernandez.
Head to head Liverpool vs Real Madrid :
11 03 09 Liverpool 4 – 0 Real Madrid (UCL)
26 02 09 Real Madrid 0 – 1 Liverpool (UCL)
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Liverpool :
04 10 14 Liverpool 2 – 1 West Bromwich (PRL)
02 10 14 Basel 1 – 0 Liverpool (UCL)
27 09 14 Liverpool 1 – 1 Everton (PRL)
24 09 14 Liverpool P 2 – 2 Middlesbrough (LEC)
20 09 14 West Ham 3 – 1 Liverpool (PRL)
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Real Madrid:
18 10 14 Levante 0 – 5 Real Madrid (PRD)
06 10 14 Real Madrid 5 – 0 Athletic Club (PRD)
02 10 14 Ludogorets 1 – 2 Real Madrid (UCL)
27 09 14 Villarreal 0 – 2 Real Madrid (PRD)
24 09 14 Real Madrid 5 – 1 Elche (PRD)