Grace is definitely making sure that we don't sleep in. Her and Daniel should get along just fine when we get home. They both seem to be part rooster. She wakes up in a very cordial mood though. She is so full of smiles!!

We ran into Gail (the director of Layla House) today when we were having breakfast. She comes over to the Hilton two days a week to swim laps. She told us that two other families from our agency are moving over to the Hilton today, so we will have a little American company. I must admit, it will be nice to be able to have some conversation without having to explain so many of my words. Amharic and English are so different. My hat is off to all the Ethiopian people that try so hard to learn and speak English, but it is still hard to communicate sometimes.
We are scheduled to go the US Embassy today. We will be getting Grace's visa to travel home to America. Yeah!! All three of the families that are here at the Hilton now, and Gail, will be going together in one car. It sounds like it will be cozy. I guess seating arrangements can get a little more creative over here, since they don't use seat belts. I feels strange to travel in the car with Grace, with no car seat.
After the Embassy, we will be going over to Layla House to take a bunch of pictures of the kids. Many families requested that we drop off letters for their children, or take pictures for them. We plan to take care of those requests, and take pictures of as many other kids as possible. We thrived on photos taken by other families when we were waiting to come get Grace, so we want to try to return the favor.

We confirmed our flight to come home at the Ethiopian Airlines office here in the hotel this morning. I guess, if you don't confirm while you are here, you just get bumped. That didn't seem like such a good plan. I am so glad that we went ahead and bought a seat for Grace, because the only way we could have gotten one of the bassinets on the plane, was if we sat apart. That would be a bummer on such a long flight.
I'm off to go hand wash some clothes. We splurged and had the Hilton do the bulk of our laundry, but I just couldn't justify paying someone to wash socks and undies.
Yes please confirm your flight. If we have to wait much longer to see that beautiful smiling face I think we will all be crazy. Especially Kayla, Justin and me. It is so awesome to hear about the smiles. Between you amd Will she must feel how loved she is. Wait until she meets the rest of the family. Is there any such thing as being loved too much? Oh well, if there is she is just stuck with us. What a great gift to such a little life.
Kiss her for all of us.
Love, MOM
What is the US Embassy? Are you going to teach the kids at Layla how to juggle? It is very nice of you to take pictures of the other kids for waiting families. I am glad that you got your flight confirmed, because I don't think I can wait much longer. What is a bassinet? Good luck hand washing your clothes. I love you!!!
Can't wait until you return safe and sound. Grace sounds so cute! We have lots of questions for you to answer - when you return, and have the time. Be prepared for questions such as: what is the city like? how are the orphanages laid out? what are the differences between them? is it easy to shop? Had difficulty sleeping last night thinking about Grace (and you two also). Can/do you feed Grace solid food?
Grandmom and Granddad Mac
It sounds incredible over there! So happy to hear that Grace is happy and healthy. I'm glad you got a chance to intereact with the other kids at Layla house and do an art project. AND eat watermelon. What a great day for everyone.
Continued good luck to the three of you there in Addis.
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