We got up nice and early, and stared to get ready for our first day out with a baby in a while. The whole bottle thing definitely adds some extra steps. It makes me even more of an advocate for breastfeeding. Convenience is king!! Grace loves to be on her tummy, so she can push up her shoulders and take in the world. She was absolutely fascinated with the TV. Even the basketball game in some foreign language didn't dampen her spirits. Of course,by the time we were all ready to go, she had worn herself out, and had settled in for a nap.

We were picked up by Dawud (one of the drivers from Layla House). He took us over to Layla to meet up with a wonderful volunteer named Betsy. She is a feisty old lady from Denver, that is here to help with the kids for a month. We headed over to Sele Enat. That is the orphanage where Grace was abandoned., andd spent her first month in care. The director, Hana, was wonderful. She remembered Grace right away, and made sure to show us the room and bed where she stayed when she was there.

Betsy had planned an activity to do with the kids, but since we were there, she had us take over. Will read a big book about an ENORMOUS watermelon and some Mother Goose characters. Thechildrenn didn't seem to understand everything, but they definitely understood what was happening when Betsy brought out a real watermelon. The oldest boy at Sele Enat helped to cut it and served the younger children. He even made sure they all got napkins and threw away their trash. The children all drew pictures of a watermelon, and then I took there photo with their new artwork. They were so proud!! Before we left, the children all decided to give us their pictures. I was touched. These kids are great!!

We stopped back by Layla House to drop off some supplies that we carried over for them from the US. We had a chance to meet a couple more volunteers and a film crew that is here making a documentary about older children being adopted from Layla House. Every volunteer seems to know Grace. They say that she is their favorite, and that she is the "Star" in the baby room. Everyone comments on how pleasant she is, and they are going to miss her very much. We are so blessed to be chosen to parent such a sweet girl.

Of course she is the Star!!! See how those fiesty old women from Denver are!! It is so wonderful to hear about the smiles and happiness you two are spreading to those other children. It sounds like that for some of them people coming through Layla to visit may be one of the only sources of joy they get. This definitley sounds like a life changing experience and it may brush off on some of the rest of us. We are looking forward to getting all of you home soon. Thanks for sharing this wonderful experinece with all of us.
Love, Mom
Whoops, I think I better change the identity.
A star huh. Well I'll be darned. Who knew my little 7 month old sister was a star at the orphanage. That was nice of the kids to give you their pictures. How many orphanages have you visited?
Found your blog today. It's so fun reading about your time in Addis; brings back so many (not-too-distant)memories!!! Good luck with the rest of your trip!
Monday, 4/10/06 3:45 pm If not OK let me know.
Sounds like you two are spreading a little joy everywhere you visit. We've decide that we can tell Grace that she gets her "little genes" from Auntie Amanda. Cause at 6 months she was 13lbs.8oz. Can't wait for your return so we can see pictures and hear more about your experiences.
How wonderful that Grace has been so well loved!
I just found your blog...and I saw in one of your pictures on this post a sibling set of three-a boy and two sisters...when we were there adopting our son a year ago, they were being adopted by an awesome lady! I just had to share that...what a small world it is...it's the boy in the yellow shirt and his sisters...I have a picture of them with their new mother! They helped speak to our new son for us....
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