We went to the restaurant in the Hilton. It has a wide selection of things to choose from. We figured he would be able to find something simple. It turned out, we got there right between breakfast and lunch. Since breakfast was not an option, they had us order our lunch, and come back to the restaurant in about half an hour. The food was great, but I can't say I approved of Will's choice. After a day and a half of stomach issues, he ordered BAKED LASAGNA!!!!!
After lunch, we spoke with Nate (the adoption agency director's son, who is volunteering for a year in Addis) about going to AHOPE. This is an orphanage for children that are HIV positive. He said he would be at the hotel at 2:00pm, so that left us plenty of time to sort through the sports equipment we brought. The mission today, was to teach the children how to juggle.

We had a wonderful time with the kids at AHOPE. It is amazing to me that they can find such joy in their circumstances. We could learn a lot from them. The loved everything we did with them, and they even figured out creative new ways to play with some of the things we brought. A few of the older boys really started to get the hang of juggling. With all of the kids tossing the scarves up in the air, it looked like a circus, instead of an orphanage. We were lucky to get to be a part of it.

The biggest news of today, came at the end. We were just up the street from Layla House (Grace's orphanage), when we were at AHOPE. Nate offered to take us there to get her today, instead of us having to wait until tomorrow. That was all we needed to hear. We didn't get a chance to see too much of Layla today, as dinner was about to be served, but we were able to pick up Grace. After all the paperwork and waiting, it was rather uneventful, but I will still never forget it.

Right now, Will and Grace a napping together in the hotel room. I think they have both had a very big day!!
Oh my god!!!!!!!! You finally got Grace after all that waiting. I am so overjoyed I don't Know what else to say. I just can't believe it finally happened. WOW!!!
Love yall!!
Glad to hear that Will and Grace (hmm..sounds like a T.V. progam)are bonding. I am so thrilled for you. Can't wait to meet the new addition to the family.
I had a good time with the kids this weekend. Daniel(Our Gardener) hoed around all of my roses for me. Tyler (Our Chef) helped grandpa prepare waffles. And Kayla (Our Little Mother) helped corral Justin.
Take Care. Get and stay healthy. Looking forward to knowing you are back on our soil.
Love you all.
Baked lasagna sounds like a good solution to me. (A dose of Imodium might help (but Lasagna sounds better.)) Any new pictures of Grace? You must feel great! Give her a kiss for us.
Grandmom and Grandad Mac
PS. Tell Will the Padres won their opening game against the Giants. Yeah! 6 - 1. Peavy pitched. Piazza and Green hit home runs.
Just wanted to let you all know that I am doing much better. It was a rough couple of days but Grace is well worth it.
By the way...thanks for the update on the Padres!
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