Our family's journey on the rollercoaster we call life....5 kids and all!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
She's 12
My oldest daughter turned 12 this past week. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it. Have I really been a Mom for THAT long?! I remember the day she was born very clearly. I was so excited to be a Mom, but now I know, I was hardly more than a child myself. Kayla has not always been the easiest kid to parent. As a baby, she required every ounce of my attention. She was a happy kid, as long as she was the center of my universe. A lot of chores were left undone, but I learned to relish the experience of being her Mom. Even now, her will is strong, but that will serve her well. It just means I have to seek out lots of guidance and wisdom as she reaches each new stage. She is growing into a beautiful, bright young lady. She is excelling in school, and her maturity and compassion for others increase everyday. I can defintely say that I am proud to be her Mom.
I was very strong willed (well I still am) and definitly caused my parents a lot of headaches when I was younger-- but as I got older I realized a few things, and now I use that trait in a much more positive way! I had to learn a few lessons the hard way, but I am so glad I did. I'm sure your daughter's strong will will serve her well in life ;D
I am the wife to a wonderful man named Will, and Mom to 5 amazing kids. Both Will and I were widowed before we met. We had 3 children between us when we married. We welcomed a new addition 1 1/2 years later. The pregnancy and birth were wild, so we decided to be "done". God had a different plan. We were introduced to international adoption, and started that process 11/04. We brought our 5th child home from Ethiopia 4/06. You could say our kids are Your's, Mine, Our's and Someone Else's. 8^) We are just grateful that they are all OUR'S! Someday, we will adopt from Ethiopia again. We know there is an "older child" that is meant to be part of our family. We trust that God will let us know when the time is right. Parenting is the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever taken on. I am not an expert, but I'm happy to share any insights I gain along the way. I also appreciate any tips I can glean from my readers. After all, it takes a village, right?!
Happy belated Birthday to your beautiful daughter! Almost a teenager and definitely becoming a lovely young lady.
Happy belated birthday Kayla!
I was very strong willed (well I still am) and definitly caused my parents a lot of headaches when I was younger-- but as I got older I realized a few things, and now I use that trait in a much more positive way! I had to learn a few lessons the hard way, but I am so glad I did. I'm sure your daughter's strong will will serve her well in life ;D
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